As part of its new information service, KG Prime, Kaulkin Ginsberg has published a four-part market intelligence series, Kaulkin Ginsberg’s 2015 Healthcare Market Intelligence Series Executive Summary.

The series provides accounts receivable management business owners with an in-depth analysis of the healthcare industry. As the whitepaper makes clear, healthcare is a very diverse sector; however, most ARM companies only focus their efforts on hospitals – the largest segment of the healthcare industry. The end result is often a lot of money on the table — opportunities that could be very lucrative, especially for operations looking to diversify and avoid concentration risk.

The analysis first introduces and defines the size of the market and its many segments. Next, it considers the impact of regulatory bodies and current events. It then examines how macro- and microeconomic factors have affected healthcare and the ARM companies serving this industry. Finally, the series provides a case study of the largest healthcare providers.

from the whitepaper:

Part II: Regulations and Current Events

  • As overall health insurance coverage expands under Obamacare, the burden of medical expenses will continue to shift from service providersto insurance providers.
  • Hospitals will need to capture greater levels of revenue and reduce charitable contributions, which will lead to an increased need for outsourced services from ARM and RCM companies.
  • Until recently, the CFPB remained relatively uninvolved with medial debt collection. However, this is likely to change over the next few years. With that in mind, ARM and RCM healthcare agencies should evaluate their current investments in compliance management.
  • Medical bankruptcy is possible, but Kaulkin Ginsberg believes it won’t have a significant impact on ARM or RCM companies.


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