Stephanie Eidelman [Image by creator  from ]

Stephanie Eidelman

CEO at insideARM

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Posts Authored

CFPB's First Monthly Complaints Report Could Use More Context

Multiple Groups Hop on the Bandwagon, Filing Suit In Multiple Courts For TCPA Ruling

PayPal Tries To Get User Agreement Right Under New TCPA Ruling

Chase Debt Collection Enforcement Action: Breaking Down the Numbers, And Regulator Commentary

JPMorgan Chase to Pay $125M to Settle Debt Collection Investigations

Social Security Administration Spends Three Times More Than it Collects Trying to Recover Overpayments

More Detail About CFPB’s Release of Public Debt Collection Complaint Narratives

CFPB Publishes Over 7,700 Complaint Narratives About Companies, 29% Are About Debt Collection

CFPB Finds 90 Percent Rejection Rate For Student Loan co-Signers Seeking Release

New York Times Gives Lots of Space to Student Loan Debt

12 New FAQs from the NYDFS Offer Some Clarification for Debt Collectors and Debt Buyers

EBay and PayPal Push the Boundaries of Prior Express Consent

New York Government-Business Debt Collection Dialogue Sold Out

CFPB Quietly Extends Debt Collection Rulemaking on the Eve of Holiday Weekend

International Debt Collection Stories Emerge for Memorial Day

CFPB Company Complaint Portal Confusion

District of Columbia Council Seeks to Tighten Rules for Debt Buyers

CFPB: For Heaven’s Sake Help Consumers Communicate about Their Student Loan Resolution Options

VISA Veteran Will Join FCC June 1 to Oversee TCPA

Larger Market Participants Convene in Washington for High Level Discussion