Per-Se Technologies Per-Se Technologies announced today that the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC) has re-accredited all of Per-Se’s healthcare transaction clearinghouses. Per-Se is the leader in Connective Healthcare solutions that help physicians, pharmacies and hospitals realize their financial goals. The Company’s clearinghouses for physicians, pharmacies and hospitals process more than eight billion healthcare transactions annually.

EHNAC is an independent, not-for-profit accrediting agency that provides independent peer evaluation of an organization’s ability to perform at industry-established levels related to electronic clearinghouse networks.

Per-Se has received EHNAC accreditation since 2000. The re-accreditation required a comprehensive re-evaluation of the Company’s network infrastructure and business processes, supported by extensive documentation and site visits. In particular, the re-accreditation validates adherence to HIPAA security and privacy regulations for the transmittal of patient health information.

Lee Barrett, executive director of EHNAC, said, “Per-Se is one of a select group of medical transaction clearinghouses that has demonstrated to independent third-party evaluators its ability to deliver services consistent with the only standards in the industry that measure the overall business practices of a clearinghouse.”

“As one of the largest network infrastructures available to facilitate provider reimbursement, Per-Se is dedicated to meeting high industry standards throughout the entire revenue cycle management process,” said Bob Allen, senior vice president of operations, Hospital Solutions, Per-Se Technologies. “Per-Se’s re-accreditation with EHNAC reinforces our continued commitment to providing high-quality healthcare transaction processing services to our customers.”

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