I am thrilled to announce the launch of insideARM on Forbes.com.  As of today, you will find our regular blog space, called The Business of Receivables, at http://blogs.forbes.com/insidearm/.  We have established this forum in order to provide Forbes.com with niche expertise that could not possibly be covered by their staff, and to expand the presence of insideARM.com to mainstream media with significant business executive readership.

As you may recall, our mission is to shift the public conversation about the ARM industry.  This has meaning to us on a number of levels.

One, we are not only looking to shift the conversation that goes on publicly, but within the industry:  What are our standards, how does the industry police itself, what are we doing to proactively manage our own reputation, and what kind of reputation do we deserve?

We also want to dispel negativity about the industry where it is appropriate.  What are the real statistics behind anecdotal complaints?  Who are the human beings that are collectors?  How do collection agencies work?  What’s the difference between a debt buyer and a collection agency?  What’s the relationship between creditors and third party collectors?

We talk about all of these things on insideARM.com, but we’re a niche site of interest primarily to those who work in and around ARM on a daily basis.  There are many thousands of others who have an interest in our industry and don’t even realize it.  In some cases, we may be able to provide straight forward advice such as when it’s time to hire a collection agency (and how to go about it).  In other cases, the unique perspective of people in our industry on topics like student loans, healthcare coverage, and credit cards would be very interesting to anyone who is about to send a child to college, who is frustrated by medical bills, or who benefits from the availability of credit (just to name a few examples).

Forbes.com has millions of readers.  If you feel that you have something to say to them, let us know.  We now have a platform for all of us.

Stephanie Eidelman is president of Kaulkin Media and publisher of insideARM.com.

Next Article: Marion Financial Corp. Announces ARM Scholarship for ...
