IRMC, a premier provider of global call center services, today announced that it will deploy a VoIP-based application suite to fulfill its pledge to reach “Zero-Defect Compliance” at every level of customer compliance. This includes the ability to record, monitor, and analyze customer interactions within its Centers of Excellence worldwide. The solution will provide supervisors and IRMC clients immediate access to mission critical customer interactions, management reports, and analysis.

Cost containment for communications vendors and their carrier customers can be achieved on two fronts.
Over the past decade, consumer debt has surged at an alarming pace. The likelihood of recovering debt, however, decreases with each passing day.
Cacti, Inc., in conjunction with Parallax Technologies Corporation, will deploy the Cacti Contact Center Performance Suite; including the FocusRecord VoIP, Executive Connect, ObserveCTI WebPortal and WordScan Speech Analytics applications, at IRMC’s 19 Centers of Excellence throughout North America, Europe and Asia.

“IRMC has led the way by investing in one of the first and largest all digital, Voice-over-Internet Protocol deployments in the call center marketplace. With Cacti, we’re building on that technology platform to offer our clients the most advanced call monitoring and call recording capabilities in the industry,” said Vikas Kapoor, Chief Executive Officer at IRMC. “Zero-Defect Compliance is a critical component of the IRMC Pledge and today’s announcement is just one step we are taking as part of a comprehensive program to deliver on that promise.”
“We literally handle hundreds of millions of calls a year for clients who trust us with their reputation,” said Barry Grant, Chief Technology Officer for IRMC. “Once Cacti is fully deployed, we will record and monitor 100% of those calls, using the software’s groundbreaking artificial intelligence and speech recognition capabilities to pinpoint and isolate calls that do not meet our high compliance standards.”
“We evaluated a number of solutions that would support our vision of an application suite to capture customer interactions for performance management and quality assurance. Cacti’s contact center technology easily stood out as the best fit to capture, record, and analyze our high volume of voice traffic in a secure and efficient platform.”
Cacti was selected for their experience within the contact center industry, strong software development and innovative solutions. The Cacti Contact Center Performance Suite was selected for its open architecture, functionality and seamless integration within the Cisco Unified Contact Center and Cisco Unified Outbound Dialer environment. Cacti will ensure the highest level of service is monitored, achieved and maintained to improve overall customer satisfaction, training, and performance resulting in increased bottom line profitability.

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