Cabot Financial Group was once again chosen as one of the official call centres for the BBC Children in Need 2010 appeal.  Volunteers manned the phones and took donations from 6.30pm Friday evening (19th Nov 2010) until the early hours of Saturday morning.

Cabot Financial took over £116,000 in public donations through their call centre at Kings Hill, West Malling contributing to the overall total of over £18m raised on the night.  A large number of Cabot Financial employees, including senior executives and directors were involved in the fund raising evening and answered over 3,820 calls.

In addition to being an official call centre for Children in Need, Cabot Financial employees organised and took part in a whole host of fund raising activities in the run up to the main event; these included a fancy dress day, Miss Cabot 2010 (a male only catwalk competition), a cream cracker eating competition, two hardy volunteers running for miles on a treadmill dressed as a lion/gorilla; and leg and back waxing for only the bravest male employees. Executive directors also took part and served refreshments to Cabot Financial employees in Cabot’s Café (pictured above).

Ken Maynard, Group Chief Executive of Cabot Financial Group, commented, “We were delighted to have been asked once again to support the BBC Children in Need appeal.  The success could not have been achieved without our employees giving up their own valuable time to raise money for such a worthy cause.  Everybody gave their all to make the event as successful and as much fun as possible.

“I am extremely proud of our employees’ generosity, both financial and personal, leading up to the event, raising over £2,500 for Children in Need from their own fundraising.

“Thank you also to Asda and David Lloyd Leisure for donating raffle prizes and Electrical Safety Inspections and Alliance Environmental Cleaning Services for providing free of charge services.

“It took a lot of hard work and organisation but Cabot employees rose to the challenge, working together to deliver a stellar performance for Children in Need.”

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Cabot Financial is a market leader in consumer debt purchase in the UK, formed in 1998. A key differentiator for Cabot Financial is its “life of asset” approach combined with an ethical philosophy of treating customers with respect. This methodology ensures that Cabot Financial produces market leading collection rates whilst preserving the underlying customer relationships.

About Children in Need
The BBC Children in Need in Appeal is a registered charity number 802052. BBC Children in Need’s mission is to positively change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in the UK. Every year, thanks to public donations and the amazing efforts of fundraisers, schools, businesses and our corporate partners, we are able to make a difference to thousands of young lives.

BBC Children in Need awards grants to organisations working with children aged 18 and under who have mental, physical or sensory disabilities; behavioural or psychological disorders; are living in poverty or situations of deprivation; or suffering through distress, abuse or neglect. For more information about BBC Children in Need please visit

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