On the one hand, if you're mostly a headline reader, then you know what you need to know and it says it all there up top. Nevada will allow work-from-home through 31 December 2020.

The memo, addressed to Collection Agency Licensees and Registrants from Sandy O’Laughlin, Commissioner, was published on 18 September 2020 and can be found here.

What the headline readers will miss, though, is this: "The NFID may not extend this guidance past December; therefore, it is imperative that the collection agency begin making plans to ensure it can both comply with Nevada law and the laws of the other jurisdictions it does business in."

So, collection agencies licensed in Nevada have 101 days (104 if you count from when the memo was published) to make some tough decisions about what to do with agency staff starting 1 January 2021. Do you bring everyone back? Do you bring collectors back in alternating shifts? Do you have to reduce your workforce because some employees may not feel ready or safe enough to come back to an office?

insideARM's Research Assistant program has weekly Covid Support Group calls where we talk through issues just like this one. If you're not a member, this might be a good reason to join us.

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