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CFPB Debt Collection Proposals Would Create Problematic New Substantiation Standard

25 August 2016

 [Image by creator Curioso Photography from AdobeStock]

Wells Fargo Reaches Settlement with CFPB Over Alleged Illegal Student Loan Servicing Practices

23 August 2016

 [Image by creator James Steidl from AdobeStock]

CFPB Announces New Appointments to Consumer Advisory Board; No ARM Industry Representation

22 August 2016

Small statue of lady justice [Image by creator sebra from AdobeStock]

District Court Rules in Favor of Bank in Mandatory Arbitration Case

16 August 2016

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

GAO Report Says CFPB Small Business Panels Could Be More Effective

15 August 2016

FDCPA Safe Harbor Buried within CFPB Mortgage Rules

11 August 2016

 [Image by creator kentoh from AdobeStock]

insideARM Perspective on CFPB Outline of Proposed Rules – Litigation and Time-Barred Disclosures

3 August 2016

 [Image by creator gustavofrazao from AdobeStock]

CFPB's Consumer Response Proposes New Consumer Feedback Survey

2 August 2016

 [Image by creator Krasimira Nevenova from AdobeStock]

insideARM Perspective On CFPB Outline of Proposed Debt Collection Rules – Information Integrity

2 August 2016

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

15 ARM Industry Experts React to CFPB Outline of Proposed Debt Collection Rules

2 August 2016

Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

insideARM Perspective on CFPB Outline of Proposed Debt Collection Rules – Communication Part 2

1 August 2016

 [Image by creator Krasimira Nevenova from AdobeStock]

insideARM Perspective on CFPB Outline of Proposed Debt Collection Rules - Communication Part 1

28 July 2016

 [Image by creator kentoh from AdobeStock]

CFPB Outlines Debt Collection Rulemaking Proposals

28 July 2016

UPDATE: Location and Agenda Announced for CFPB Sacramento Debt Collection Hearing

26 July 2016

Did the FCC Even Consider the Thousands of Responses to its Rulemaking Proposal?

25 July 2016

 [Image by creator iQoncept from AdobeStock]

CFPB Settles With Affiliates of Debt Settlement Company For $107 Million

21 July 2016

CFPB Files Amicus Brief in Ninth Circuit in Remanded Article III Standing Case

20 July 2016

 [Image by creator James Steidl from AdobeStock]

CFPB Debt Collection Field Hearing is Announced for July 28

18 July 2016

Image of someone's hand pointing to a sign that says default [Image by creator pichetw from AdobeStock]

CFPB Requests Default Judgment Against Debt Settlement Company

7 July 2016

TCPA Defendant Can’t Compel Arbitration Based on Provision in “Terms of Use” Published on Website

6 July 2016