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Two binders that say "procedure" and "policies" sitting on a stack of flow charts [Image by creator vinnstock from AdobeStock]

Calls to Consumer Prior to Processing Cease & Desist Letter Do Not Violate FDCPA

11 July 2017

What Happens to Faxed Revocation of Consent?

6 July 2017

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

$25 Medical Bill Turns into $34,500 TCPA Judgment and FDCPA Claim for Damages Still to be Litigated

5 July 2017

An animated image of a judge facing two lawyers in court [Image by creator cookart from AdobeStock]

Court Says Calls to VoIP Number Did Not Violate TCPA

29 June 2017

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

FDCPA Case Law Review for April and May 2017

28 June 2017

 [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

New York Times Article Criticizes Tactics of Private IRS Debt Collectors

26 June 2017

 [Image by creator Chris Titze Imaging from AdobeStock]

Breaking: 2nd Circuit Says TCPA Consent Not Revocable if Part of Contract

23 June 2017

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

Minnesota Court Rules Attorney Serving Notice of Lien Not Immune from FDCPA Requirements

22 June 2017

A western-style ranch sign that says "Welcome to colorful Colorado" against a dark sky and red mountains [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

Colorado's Fair Debt Collections Act Continues After Sunset Review

1 June 2017

What Does PCI Compliance Mean for Your Business? (sponsored)

25 May 2017

No Documented Procedures, No Bona Fide Error Defense

18 May 2017

A picture of a cell phone on top of paper dollar bills in various denominations, on a light blue wooden table. [Image by creator sveta from AdobeStock]

Electronic Payments Step Four – Don’t Forget the FDCPA, the Consumer’s Rights, or the Proper Notices

11 May 2017

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

Court Rules Sending Validation Through CFPB Portal Does Not Satisfy FDCPA

4 May 2017

 [Image by creator Federico Rostagno from AdobeStock]

Electronic Payments Step Three - How to Create and Sign an Electronic Payment Authorization

2 May 2017

Focus on 3 Key Areas to Audit Collection Agencies: Area 3, Compliance Plan

1 May 2017

Focus on 3 Key Areas to Audit Collection Agencies: Area 1, Cash Handling

26 April 2017

West Virginia Amends its Consumer and Credit Protection Act

27 March 2017

 [Image by creator Gregory Johnston from AdobeStock]

49 Call Attempts in 18 Days with No Evidence of Intent to Harass = No FDCPA Violation

8 March 2017

Image of a ripped piece of brown paper exposing a white background and the word "dispute" [Image by creator tumsasedgars from AdobeStock]

Collection Letter Containing Check Box to Dispute Debt Created Potential FDCPA Claims, Federal Court Rules

1 March 2017

Calligraphy pen and the word "Petition" [Image by creator md3d from AdobeStock]

Petitioners Seek Prior Express Written Consent for All Autodialed Calls to Cell Phones Under the TCPA

21 February 2017