The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA) is the primary law in the U.S. governing the conduct of telemarketers. Its primary regulator is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The TCPA restricts the use of dialers, prerecorded voice messages, SMS text messages received by cell phones, and the use of fax machines. Even though the law was not designed with ARM in mind, debt collectors often find themselves restricted in the communication technology they can use. In addition, contradictory guidance from regulators and court rulings has led to an explosion in the number of TCPA cases collection agencies must defend.

insideARM maintains an abundance of information about TCPA developments related to the ARM industry. View our case law grid here, and our TCPA Toolbox here.

See all Topics

BCFP Advises FCC to Carefully Consider ATDS Definition in Context of Debt Collection

14 June 2018

 [Image by creator Leigh Prather from AdobeStock]

Mystery Solved!: So That’s What Happened to the FCC’s Order Implementing the BBA Amendment to the TCPA Exempting Collectors of Government-Backed Debt

12 June 2018

Simultaneous House and Senate Bills Introduced to Expand TCPA’s ATDS Definition to Stop Robocalls made from Lists

11 June 2018

Woman looking at cell phone [Image by creator leungchopan from AdobeStock]

*7 Wars: FCC Considers Key Punch Revocation in Effort to Stop Robocalls

5 June 2018

Man in a suit holding a large cardboard box that says "Dismissed" [Image by creator nito from AdobeStock]

TCPA Case Law Update: May

5 June 2018

 [Image by creator Chris Titze Imaging from AdobeStock]

Facing the Music: Consent Granted When Consumer Voluntarily Provides Phone Number Limited by “Transactional Context”

31 May 2018

Court Holds Manual Clicker Application Not an ATDS Based on FCC’s 2003 Predictive Dialer Ruling

30 May 2018

 [Image by creator freshidea from AdobeStock]

Time for Clarity: Two Courts Reach Opposite Conclusions on the Viability of the FCC’s Predictive Dialer Rulings on the Same Day Because TCPAland

17 May 2018

A New Day for Predictive Dialer TCPA Cases? First Court Holds That FCC Predictive Dialer Rulings Survive ACA Int’l

17 May 2018

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

FCC Seeks Input for TCPA Reinterpretation

15 May 2018

A robot in a thinking pose against a backdrop of white letters that appear to be flying through the air [Image by creator phonlamaiphoto from AdobeStock]

Call Blocking/Labeling: Big Impact, But Little Understanding

3 May 2018

 [Image by creator Chris Titze Imaging from AdobeStock]

9th Cir. Holds Party That Obtains Cell Number Indirectly May Have TCPA Consent

2 May 2018

Illustration of an old fashioned rotary dial phone [Image by creator ojovago from AdobeStock]

Using ACA v. FCC Decision, District of Nevada Grants Summary Judgment to Agency on TCPA Claim

4 April 2018

10 Things You Need to Know About the Long-Awaited D.C. Circuit's TCPA Ruling

20 March 2018

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

Commissioners Comment on Circuit Court Ruling in ACA v. FCC

20 March 2018

Photo of courthouse building with "judicial" written on it [Image by creator Natalia Bratslavsky from AdobeStock]

Breaking: DC Circuit Court Reverses Key Provisions in FCC’s 2015 TCPA Rules

16 March 2018

Small statue of lady justice [Image by creator sebra from AdobeStock]

TCPA Caselaw Review for January 2018

6 March 2018

 [Image by creator Andy Dean from AdobeStock]

Zani v. Rite Aid Helps Define Boundaries of Healthcare Exception to TCPA

27 February 2018


Church Provides No Sanctuary: Sixth Circuit’s FDCPA Decision May Breathe New Life into TCPA Spokeo Arguments

22 February 2018

Southern District of Florida Finds Telephone Dialing System Not an ATDS Under the TCPA

12 February 2018