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CFPB Proposed Rule Banning Reporting of Medical Debt

On June 11, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) released a proposed rule amending Regulation V, which implements the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), concerning medical debt. The proposed rule would remove a regulatory exception that currently allows creditors to obtain and use information on medical debts for credit eligibility determinations. Additionally, the proposed rule would generally prohibit consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) from furnishing consumer reports containing medical debt information to creditors. Comments on the proposed rule are being accepted until August 12, 2024. The Bureau aims to finalize the rule by early 2025.

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Predictive, Collaborative, and Intelligent Contact Data 

A precision data strategy can help your organization overcome consumer contact challenges using data you already have on hand. Watch this 60-minute webinar to gain insight into real results seen by organizations utilizing phone and email intelligence. The panelists discuss: 

  • the evolution of digital collections, 
  • how phone and email intelligence can help your organization, 
  • what's on the regulatory horizon, and 
  • how you can find out the quality of your data and use it to your advantage.  

Watch Replay Now. 


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Minnesota Becomes 18th State to Enact Comprehensive Consumer Data Privacy Law

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz recently signed into law HF 4757, the Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act, making Minnesota the 18th state to enact a comprehensive consumer data privacy law. The Act will go into effect July 31, 2025.

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CFPB Issues UDAAP Guidance On Contracts for Consumer Financial Products and Services

On June 4, 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) issued a Consumer Financial Protection Circular 2024-03 (“Circular”) warning that the use of unlawful or unenforceable terms and conditions in contracts for consumer financial products or services may violate the prohibition on deceptive acts or practices in the Consumer Financial Protection Act (“CFPA”). In a related press release, CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said, “Federal and state laws ban a host of coercive contract clauses that censor and restrict individual freedoms and rights. The CFPB will take action against companies and individuals that deceptively slip these terms into their fine print.”

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insideARM Weekly Recap – Week of June 3rd, 2024

Here at insideARM we aim to do the hard work for you! Scouring the internet for ARM Industry news and narrowing it down to the 3 biggest stories. The first week of June brought us a breakdown of the CFPB’s activity in May, the most recent CFPB action, and some credit card data from the Federal Reserve. So, sit back, relax, and read on for our recap of last week’s news and why you need to know about it!

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CFPB Issues Final Rule on Nonbank Registration of Enforcement Orders

On June 3, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) issued its final rule requiring covered nonbanks to register enforcement orders, and it is a doozy. Not only will covered nonbanks be required to register public orders issued by agencies and courts with the CFPB, but they will have to go back to 2017. And not only will the CFPB publish the orders, but a large subgroup will have to certify on a yearly basis their full compliance with the orders or make a self-disclosure to the CFPB of any compliance failures. This rule has obvious major consequences for any covered person caught in its web, making the exact ambit of the rule crucial. Given the final rule clocks in at a whopping 486 pages, this post will attempt to provide a roadmap through the rule, focusing on what is required and who is covered.

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Spire Recovery Solutions Donates to Four Charitable Causes in First Half of 2024

LOCKPORT, N.Y. -- Spire Recovery Solutions, founded by U.S. Military Veterans Jacob Torriere and Joseph Torriere, is proud to serve both its local and national communities. Over the first half of 2024, Spire has donated to four unique organizations dedicated to improving the lives of children, service members, veterans, and more.

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How Lenders Are Increasing Agent Workload – Without Burnout: Digital Strategies and Agent Stability in Collections  

Despite rising caseloads and communication demands, agent turnover has remained steady in recent years for first-party collections shops. Data from Auriemma Roundtables suggests e-communications and workforce management changes could help explain this decoupling between workload and burnout. In this study, you’ll see how lenders used digital communications and innovative workforce strategies to enhance efficiency and navigate the evolving collections landscape.  

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