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The CFPB’s Increased Focus on Medical Financing Products

Over the course of the last year, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) has increased its scrutiny of medical financing products, such as medical credit cards and installment loans. In July 2023, the CFPB and other federal agencies launched an inquiry into medical payment products, discussed here. Last week, when the CFPB announced its proposed rule to ban the reporting of medical debt on consumer reports, discussed here, it stated it was considering action related to medical financing products. Then this week, the CFPB published a blog examining how financial institutions market their products to healthcare providers in an effort to ensure “consumers aren’t pushed into medical payment products.” The CFPB’s ongoing discourse on this topic signals a potential regulatory crackdown may be coming.

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Get answers to your top tech questions.

Adopting new technology can be valuable for organizations but keeping up with the advancements, and the benefits they can offer, is a challenge. In this new eBook, Finvi provides insight into the current tech trends in the ARM industry, like AI, and answers the most common questions they hear from customers. Armed with these answers, ARM industry leaders can apply them to the specific issues facing their organizations today and position themselves for success in the future. 

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CSS, Inc. Implements CSS IMPACT Enterprise Financial Cloud Ecosystem for Santa Clara County's Medical Platform

SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- CSS, Inc., a leading innovator in financial technology solutions, proudly announces the successful implementation and deployment of its cutting-edge flagship platform, IMPACT Enterprise Financial Cloud Ecosystem, for Santa Clara County.

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Colorado Tightens Regulations Related to Debt Settlement and Collection Practices

On June 6, the Governor of Colorado signed into law HB 1380 (the “Act”) which revised the state’s consumer protection laws related to debt collection, credit services organizations, and debt management service providers. Key provisions of the law included:

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P&B Capital Group Donates to Local SPCA Chapter

WEST SENECA, N.Y. -- P&B Capital Group, a third-party debt collection agency, has made a donation to their local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) chapter, furthering their commitment to social responsibility and community involvement. This donation was the culmination of P&B Capital Group’s Q2 Community Involvement initiatives. As a community leader, the team encourages its employees to go out and support the organizations they are passionate about.

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insideARM Weekly Recap – Week of June 17th, 2024

The only thing constant in the ARM industry is change. That's why we at insideARM review all the news for you and bring you only the stories that are most important. Last week, after what felt like months of breaking news from the CFPB, the focus shifted to the states with important rulings in both Alabama and Indiana, and a new law in Maine that looks to greatly impact medical debt collection. Read on for a breakdown of these stories and why our team feels you need to know them.

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Maine Passes Amendment on Medical Debt

On April 22, 2024, Maine became the most recent state to enact legislation aimed at limiting the collection of medical debt. The law, An Act to Prohibit Unfair Practices Related to the Collection of Medical Debt, amends Maine’s Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and concerns fees and interest, a litigation exemption, and the definition of medical debt. The full bill can be found here and goes into effect on August 9, 2024.

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Legal Hot Topics from the CRC Legal Advisory Board

18 July 2024 at 02:00 p.m.

The legal landscape in the ARM industry is constantly changing. It can be difficult to wade through it all and determine what is important and what steps need to be taken to stay ahead of the curve. 

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