Publish Your Press Release at insideARM

Get your company news out to the industry fast. Publishing your press releases at insideARM means putting your news on our homepage (40,000 unique pageviews per month) and in our daily news blast (which goes out to 18,500+ readers, Monday through Thursday).

Running a press release on not only guarantees wide distribution within the ARM community, but it also gives your announcement the chance to be seen by a broader audience. is optimized for search engine news -- all of our content appears on Google News and other top news search engines – and the high regard with which Google holds will help to ensure that content about your firm on our site will appear prominently in search results for your company’s name.

Some releases run for free at insideARM. There is a modest charge for others. See below for pricing tiers.

No charge:

  • Announcements about charity work from ARM providers (collection agencies, debt buyers, and collection law firms/attorneys)
  • Association announcements about advocacy efforts, leadership changes, or major industry developments

$100 per insertion:

  • Executive change announcements from ARM providers

$200 per insertion:

  • General product announcements from ARM service or technology providers
  • Alliance/re-marketing agreements between ARM service or technology providers
  • Certification announcements from ARM providers (such as data security certification compliance)
  • Announcements about acquisitions, expansion and/or hiring plans from ARM providers
  • General announcements from ARM providers (such as new clients, service offerings, or partnerships)

How to run your release with insideARM

1. If there is a charge for your release, please purchase your publication right here:

Purchase Press Release

2. Please email your press release in Microsoft Word format to

If you’re planning to run a charitable release, there is no charge, so just email your release to

Any questions? Email us at